Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dear God 2.0 [The Roots Ft. Monster] (or if you can play it, it is also on this page next to the doggy w/ a tv)

So this song kinda sorta just CAME to me. It jumped out at me and hit me in the eye. I really didn’t know about the band but I really liked it. The lyrics are great. I mean that’s when you know a song is good, when you like it off the bat, this song was like that for m e. the lyrics go like this. The song starts off kind of slow and normally I hate that in a song, but, I kept listening because I googled the lyrics and they were good, so I wanted to hear how they put them together, obviously it had to be rap (oh yeah). I’m not a crazy rap song fan, but I listen to it a bit. This sing, like I said brings up really good topics (I like songs with a meaning). My favorite verse is:

♫ They said he’s busy hold the line please
Call me crazy, I thought maybe he could mind read

Who does the blind lead?
Show me a sign please
If everything is made in China, are we Chinese?
And why do haters separate us like we siamese?
Technology turning the planet into zombies
Everybody all in everybody’s dirty laundry ♫

By “he’s busy...I thought maybe he could mind read” they refer to God. Well people pray to god, and everyone wants their prayers answered, but they don’t ALL get answered. We kind of have to get in line to get “or prayers answered”, God, they say is supposed to read minds, because how else could he get through so many prayers?

“If everything is made in China are we Chinese” haha. ‘nuff said.

“Technology turning the planet into zombies” well, iPads, smart houses, COMPUTERS, they finna take over the world, dude. Maybe not to that extent, but seriously some of us (most of us) now have crappy writing because we are so used to typing things out instead of writing them out. (I can hear my mom saying “Back in my day….”)

“Everybody all in everybody’s dirty laundry” we live in America, no secret is a secret. ‘Nuff said.
So I hope you listen to the whole song, get the lyrics if you must, but the song is good.

You know what? Here are the lyrics, ‘cuz I know you’re lazy:

♫Dear God, I’m trying hard to reach you
Dear God, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes, it’s so hard to believe it…
But God, I know you have your reasons
(Uh huh)

They said he’s busy hold the line please
Call me crazy, I thought maybe he could mind read
Who does the blind lead?
Show me a sign please
If everything is made in China, are we Chinese?
And why do haters separate us like we siamese?
Technology turning the planet into zombies
Everybody all in everybody’s dirty laundry
Acid rain, earthquakes, hurricane, tsunamis
Terrorist, crime sprees, assaults, and robberies
Cops yellin’ stop, freeze
Shoot him before he try to leave
Air quality so foul, I gotta try to breath
Endangered species
And we runnin’ out of trees

If I could hold the world in the palm of these
Hands, I would probably do away with these anomalies
Everybody checkin’ for the new award nominee
Wars and atrocities
Look at all the poverty

Ignoring the prophecies
More beef than broccoli
Corporate monopoly
Weak World economy
Stock market topplin’
Mad marijuana oxycotton and klonopin
Everybody out of it?

Well I’ve been thinkin’ about
And I’ve been breakin’ it down
Without an answer

I know I’m thinking out loud
But if you’re lost and around
Why do we suffer?
Why do we suffer?
(Uh huh)

Yeah… It’s still me, one of your biggest fans
I get off work
Right back to work again
I probably need to go ahead and have my head exam
Look at how they got me on the Def Jam payment plan

Well, I’m in the world of entertainment and
Trying to keep a singing man sane for the paying fans
If I don’t make it through the night, slight change of plans
Harp strings, angel wings, and praying hands

Lord, forgive me for my shortcomings
For going on tour and ignoring the court summons
All I’m trying to do is live life to the fullest
They sent my daddy to you in a barrage of bullets

Why is the world ugly when you made it in your image?
And why is livin’ life such a fight to the finish?
For this high percentage
When the sky’s the limit
A second is a minute, every hour’s infinite

Dear God, I’m trying hard to reach you
Dear God, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes, it’s so hard to believe it..♫

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay & Nick

Yo. Let's talk about Gatsby using Nick for his own benefits. Gatsby loves Daisy, and he knows Nick is related to her, that should be enough to tell you that something's up. Gatbsy can be considered somewhat of a stalker, i mean he bought the house opposite of Daisy's so as to admire her from afar, and he thouws HUGE  lavished parties hoping she'll come. Gatbsy invites Nick to his party hoping that he would invite Daisy. This guy is really in love, he's crazy rich and he always gets what he wants, if you ask me, Nick is a way for Gatby to get Daisy, the girtl that got away.
Let's be honest, we've all done that at some point in our lives (or will), we somewhat use our friends to help us get with a guy/girl we want. I'ts human nature ;D

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Snowflake Battle. And Hitler

I step out once again into the cold air
My snow-covered car is still there
I feel like like taking a trip, just for fun
I've been a good girl i deserve at least one
My foot prints get deeper as i walk
The sun is gone, it didn't wanna talk
I walk and i walk straight into a thought
the snow, the joy, the holidays, the bliss
the wind blowing on my cheek, a happy sweet kiss
Wouldn't it be great if the snow lasted all year?
The ice skaters, and snowboarders would have nothing to fear
The snowmen would be dancing around
singing of the new hats they've found
Jenny would bring all the jolly happy snowmen to life
while Clara would try to slit their throats with a knife
My friends would surround me all year long in gloves, hats, and glee
We would watch T.V. drinking hot cocoa and tea
Life would be merry if it was always winter
but OH NO! I've walked so far i think i see Hitler!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thnx for a Classmate ♥

I like my Am. Lit. classmates. That class is full of amazing, wonderful, and different people. This blog however is dedicated to Clear Towers aka Clara Torres. She and i share a lot of the same views, even though i can't speak as fast as she, for she is in Debate, and can pound me. Clara is smart and deep as well. Clara is my locker-buddy. Torres is not a vampire (no matter what Mr. McCarthy thinks), if she were I'd be one too, by now. Clarita is sweet even though she is evil. Clara is AMAZING. This girlie is not girlie, she is Clara Torres [Mexican accent and rolling of the Rrrs].

P.S→ Tony, Serina, Maggi, Anna, Amy, and JiaJia are WOW-tastic←

I am a Plow [story]

plow [plou]
–noun1. an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil.

I am a  plow, surrounded by cows, i mess around with soil all the time. Soil is my BFF, we chill, even through, in a good fight, i always win. I am a plow, i help Old McDonald on his farm, with the crops. I am a plow, I'm dragged along Soil by a tractor. The Tractor, that mean old thing, feels that i don't deserve a break and just pulls me along anywhere it wants me to go. The Tractor is the reason why i get into fights with Soil, it makes me pulverize Soil. I am a plow, being dragged around by Tractor, the sometimes-friends of Soil, and the helper of Old McDonald. I am a Plow.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Modern Day Slavery..!

There has been slavery for as long as there has been an Earth. People have always used others, whether it be for economical purposes or for personal reasons. Slavery also exists in modern day, although it is not that known. There is slavery used many places in the world. People who are rich, or just have more power (or think they do), take advantage of the lesser powered people. Kids are slaves, sexual and laboral. In Canada there are sex trades, kids millions of them are a part of them, as well as teens. Those are just a few examples of slavery today.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritans, Puritans, Puritans, Oh My!

Puritans, are very religious, they believe in God, and follow his 'teachings' very seriously. The Puritan religion is very popular, books have been written about it, such as The Crucible. This book talks about Salem and the with trials, and how many people were thought to be witches just because others thought they were weird. Most of the people that were accused were single or widowed women, maybe a few men who had land others coveted.
Another book written which involves Puritan beliefs, is a book by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. One was one of three judges during the witch trials. Having a leg injury, Hawthorne spent most of the time alone and reading (why he's such a good writer). His dad died, and his family had to support themselves. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter in 1850. This book is about a women who is forced to wear the scarlet letter A on her chest as a sign that she was an adulterer.

Today, there are many people like that (very religious that is), some of them are even related to me. Some, not all, go around telling everyone about what they believe and they think others should think as well as they. Many a time, have some of my relatives come to visit us just to try and convert us to their religion. I'm all for people who express what they believe, i just don't think they should have to try to change other people's mind. :>

The Moment I realized I was an American...

I actually always reaize i'm an American. I often forget, what with my Mexican roots and all, but there are days, where i literally stop what i'm doing and think. I think about everything i have, and who i have it with. Family, a house, friends, a great country (make that two great countries). I think that an American has all of that and more, and so do I. I an thankful, even though i occasionally forget, or decide not to think about it to much.

P.S= I realize i may sound like a hypocrite, or that I'm just contracdicting myself, but I would like to leave you with a question, What IS an American? Who can define what an American is? Who are we to judge who WE are? We each are what we want to be, we define what we are, and what we think. Viva America!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Conflicting Much?

I find that this is a very broad subject to talk about. There are so many conflicts that happen between so many people or groups of people, but OK here we go. Well, ACTUALLY,  I don't want to sit here and go on and on about some friendship that was ruined because someone talked trash about another someone, nor do i want to talk about a more serious topic such as divorce (where we definitely know that the relationship was ruined). So, how about we go with a more personal topic, and it goes a little something like this:

I'm sure you guys know that Mexicans and PuertoRicans don't really get along too much (i don't know why) (actually i do, but let's not take sides). Well years ago, when i lived in Humbolt Park (yeaaa!) i had many purto rican friends, among them my very best friend, her name was Janira. She and I knew each other since third grade, we went waaay back. I had gone to her house countless times and her to mine, we were young, and her mom really like me and my parents liked her. So years later in like fifth grade, she asks me "What part of PuertoRico are you from?" and I'm like "whaat?" with this dumbfounded look on my face. How could she not know I'm Mexican?

Looking back i realize that we never really went into our ethnic background. We never talked about how i eat Tacos when she eats Arroz Con Gandules. It never occurred to me, that by telling i was Mexican, i ruined our whole relationship. Like i said her mom and my parents got along, so they knew that we were Mexicans and they were Puerto Rican, but Janira didn't. She stopped talking to me.

I confronted her later and i asked why she hadn't talked to me in a while, and she straight up told me that it was because 'according to 'society' we can't get along'.  It must have been very conflicting in her mind. I got angry, i told my parents and they were like 'oh well, you'll find another best friend'. I can't believe that i had been BFFs with her, i realize now, that if i hadn't moved to the south side and she hadn't moved to Puerto Rico, that we would have had more conflicts than just our race.

P.S. I miss her. even if she didn't like me after, she once did. :p

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hero or EssstOOge?

As one of the main characters in this crazy play, John Proctor as a big secret, his lust for Abigail. When he speaks directly to Abigail to 'set her straight' it seems that he is very protecting of his title (as many in the play). Proctor doesn't want Abby to open her mouth about their affair or to point Elizabeth out as a witch. Proctor known Abigail is going to do something horrible and tries to stop her, but fails. Then during Mary Warner's testimony he tries to speak out and call Abby a fraud, but without telling them about their affair. He fails AGAIN. And then he tells the court the truth about him being an adulterer, that results in him getting killed. To me it seems that he is a hero. In the end he spoke out. He decided not to sign the public confession of adultery and live. It may seems that he was tried to only protect his title, but i don't see it that way. I see it as Proctor trying to save his personal integrity and enter cleanly into heaven (as Abby yelled at the end). Not only that but if he confessed to it then it would dishonor the other prisoners who are going to die as witnesses to the truth. Yup. I'm deep like that.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Angry GOD!!!!!

If i were a normal me, in front of Jonathan Edwards, I would be kind of scared. I mean, here's this guy talking about how we're all are going to die, and talking about how God can make you or break you. I would freak out if I heard this man talking about how God hates me, and is just waiting to kill me. I beleive in God (I'm Catholic), but I don't really believe much in hell (that's just a personal belief). I believe God made humans, but isn't proud on the decisions some of us (most of us) have made. I do believe God punishes people, and sends them to a bad place, i just don't belive that place is hell. IF God is holding your fate in his hands at this moment between heaven and hell, well then hope he doesn't let you fall. If i were living back then and Edwards was preaching about this, then i would freak out, because i would believe him (like many others did since they HAD to believe him). I would belive that God will drop me into the pits of hell without thinking twice.....esssspooky.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The NeighborHOOD

I live in a not-so-good neighborhood, sorrounded by gang-bangers, and a bit of graffiti. My parents, of course, are sick of it, and who wouldn't be, but it's not like we can go up to the gangsters and say "get out of here!". Those guys don't even live in this neighborhood anymore, but since our block is pretty closed in, they hang out around here. The neighbors are mostly Mexicans, a few black (African-American) and they all hate it. However, the situation has taken a turn for the better. A few months ago, this man, dressed all fancy and driving a Cadillac Escaladecomes along and buys a few houses on the block. I'm guessing he's crazy rich, because he has the money to fix those old houses up; I'm talking, new windows, backyard, the whole ten yards, and rent them to nice people. Now, don't get me wrong he's helping us out a lot, getting the gang-bangers out of the neighborhood a bit and cleaning things up, but lately he's been coming up to my dad, telling him how he should care for the house, OUR house. Once, he talked to my mom, and he asked her what school I went to, my mommy said that I come to Whitney, and he started bragging about how his son is smart too, and that his children are in great schools. He pretty much flauts around his cash, and it's very irritating, but we're grateful, that this guy took a step forward to clean up our neighborhood. Mr. Cash Money doesn't even live around our neighborhood, but he comes to check up on his houses at least two times a week. The guy's irritating, but nice. (:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wonders of Leslie--The Intro.

Well hello there. My name is Leslie, (kind of obvious). I also go by 'Les', or 'HEY'. I am Mexican! I consider myself both from Puebla, Mex. and Mexico City, Mex. I love love love Mexican food, music (rancheras), and pretty much anything to do with my culture. I may appear to be quite (don't think so). I love music, and i listen to almost every genre at least a little bit. I am very down to earth, I like to think of myself as weird, so you don't have to. I find myself thinking a lot, and about the most random things too. I prefer Harry Potter to Twilight (both in books and movies). I don't have a favorite color, because I don't want to be racist to all the other colors in the rainbow. Skittles are amazing and Starbursts are a contradiction that i love. I go to Whitney Young High, Class of 2013!!!...if we live past 2012 (keep your fingers crossed). I speak Spanglish most of the time, and I'm Chinese II this year. People often ask why I want to learn Chinese, and why I'm not in Spanish for Span speakers, well that's because I like to try new things. That, and my Asian friends say that i have 'an inner Asian' that begged to learn Mandarin. (You might have noticed that I like to use parentheses a lot) YES!. I believe that they allow me to express myself more freely. (VOLDERMORT!!). Okay that is all for now. I want a dog.