Friday, October 29, 2010

Puritans, Puritans, Puritans, Oh My!

Puritans, are very religious, they believe in God, and follow his 'teachings' very seriously. The Puritan religion is very popular, books have been written about it, such as The Crucible. This book talks about Salem and the with trials, and how many people were thought to be witches just because others thought they were weird. Most of the people that were accused were single or widowed women, maybe a few men who had land others coveted.
Another book written which involves Puritan beliefs, is a book by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts in 1804. One was one of three judges during the witch trials. Having a leg injury, Hawthorne spent most of the time alone and reading (why he's such a good writer). His dad died, and his family had to support themselves. Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter in 1850. This book is about a women who is forced to wear the scarlet letter A on her chest as a sign that she was an adulterer.

Today, there are many people like that (very religious that is), some of them are even related to me. Some, not all, go around telling everyone about what they believe and they think others should think as well as they. Many a time, have some of my relatives come to visit us just to try and convert us to their religion. I'm all for people who express what they believe, i just don't think they should have to try to change other people's mind. :>

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