Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes The NeighborHOOD

I live in a not-so-good neighborhood, sorrounded by gang-bangers, and a bit of graffiti. My parents, of course, are sick of it, and who wouldn't be, but it's not like we can go up to the gangsters and say "get out of here!". Those guys don't even live in this neighborhood anymore, but since our block is pretty closed in, they hang out around here. The neighbors are mostly Mexicans, a few black (African-American) and they all hate it. However, the situation has taken a turn for the better. A few months ago, this man, dressed all fancy and driving a Cadillac Escaladecomes along and buys a few houses on the block. I'm guessing he's crazy rich, because he has the money to fix those old houses up; I'm talking, new windows, backyard, the whole ten yards, and rent them to nice people. Now, don't get me wrong he's helping us out a lot, getting the gang-bangers out of the neighborhood a bit and cleaning things up, but lately he's been coming up to my dad, telling him how he should care for the house, OUR house. Once, he talked to my mom, and he asked her what school I went to, my mommy said that I come to Whitney, and he started bragging about how his son is smart too, and that his children are in great schools. He pretty much flauts around his cash, and it's very irritating, but we're grateful, that this guy took a step forward to clean up our neighborhood. Mr. Cash Money doesn't even live around our neighborhood, but he comes to check up on his houses at least two times a week. The guy's irritating, but nice. (:


  1. Leslie that guy must be white? Haha just playing. This is very interesting,but how many houses did he buy?

  2. Haha. Nope he is very much Mexican. He bought like 3 or 4 houses. xD

  3. We live around the same neighborhood! I got used to it so nothing really surprises me anymore it's cool that someone's causing a change close to you
