Friday, November 5, 2010

Modern Day Slavery..!

There has been slavery for as long as there has been an Earth. People have always used others, whether it be for economical purposes or for personal reasons. Slavery also exists in modern day, although it is not that known. There is slavery used many places in the world. People who are rich, or just have more power (or think they do), take advantage of the lesser powered people. Kids are slaves, sexual and laboral. In Canada there are sex trades, kids millions of them are a part of them, as well as teens. Those are just a few examples of slavery today.


  1. I agree with you that slavery is not very known today and I wrote about that in my blog too. When I was doing my research I found Canada did a lot of awful things that would be considered differnt types of slavery to all different ages of people starting really young. But its not just in Canada its in the U.S too and a lot people act like it doesn't exist but it does and it needs to be addressed.

  2. Modern day slavery is as bad as it ever was. It is still wrong no matter how bad it is. I didn't know that Canada did that, about other countries yes. If something like that is happening across the border it is likely to be happening in the U.S. as well.:)
