Friday, October 29, 2010

The Moment I realized I was an American...

I actually always reaize i'm an American. I often forget, what with my Mexican roots and all, but there are days, where i literally stop what i'm doing and think. I think about everything i have, and who i have it with. Family, a house, friends, a great country (make that two great countries). I think that an American has all of that and more, and so do I. I an thankful, even though i occasionally forget, or decide not to think about it to much.

P.S= I realize i may sound like a hypocrite, or that I'm just contracdicting myself, but I would like to leave you with a question, What IS an American? Who can define what an American is? Who are we to judge who WE are? We each are what we want to be, we define what we are, and what we think. Viva America!


  1. wait.... so I'm wondering when was it that you actually realized you were American cause I know you love expressing your Mexican pride ;P

  2. I don't have to really realize something I already know. Haha, yess I lvoe expressing my Mexican-ness :>

  3. Leslie! I miss the presence of your Mexican- ness! At least you can speak your language :(
