Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thnx for a Classmate ♥

I like my Am. Lit. classmates. That class is full of amazing, wonderful, and different people. This blog however is dedicated to Clear Towers aka Clara Torres. She and i share a lot of the same views, even though i can't speak as fast as she, for she is in Debate, and can pound me. Clara is smart and deep as well. Clara is my locker-buddy. Torres is not a vampire (no matter what Mr. McCarthy thinks), if she were I'd be one too, by now. Clarita is sweet even though she is evil. Clara is AMAZING. This girlie is not girlie, she is Clara Torres [Mexican accent and rolling of the Rrrs].

P.S→ Tony, Serina, Maggi, Anna, Amy, and JiaJia are WOW-tastic←

I am a Plow [story]

plow [plou]
–noun1. an agricultural implement used for cutting, lifting, turning over, and partly pulverizing soil.

I am a  plow, surrounded by cows, i mess around with soil all the time. Soil is my BFF, we chill, even through, in a good fight, i always win. I am a plow, i help Old McDonald on his farm, with the crops. I am a plow, I'm dragged along Soil by a tractor. The Tractor, that mean old thing, feels that i don't deserve a break and just pulls me along anywhere it wants me to go. The Tractor is the reason why i get into fights with Soil, it makes me pulverize Soil. I am a plow, being dragged around by Tractor, the sometimes-friends of Soil, and the helper of Old McDonald. I am a Plow.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Modern Day Slavery..!

There has been slavery for as long as there has been an Earth. People have always used others, whether it be for economical purposes or for personal reasons. Slavery also exists in modern day, although it is not that known. There is slavery used many places in the world. People who are rich, or just have more power (or think they do), take advantage of the lesser powered people. Kids are slaves, sexual and laboral. In Canada there are sex trades, kids millions of them are a part of them, as well as teens. Those are just a few examples of slavery today.