Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

So I don’t really know what this bloqq is supposed to be about, so I will write a response to Letter from a Birmingham Jail by King. Wow. Well I really liked this, i thought it was going to bore me to death, seeing that it was like 11 pages (in 12 pt. Times New Roman font). However, it was very inspiring, it really got to me. King talks about why he is in jail, what he’s fighting for, what he is disappointed in, and he does so in a bunch of words. I thought about summarizing the whole thing and then just writing my view on the letter as a whole, but as I was reading I copy and pasted some parts, the quotes that I really liked and inspired me to write about them, I have 4 quotes so bare with me. xD

• “justice too long delayed is justice denied”

I saw something in this first quote, it brought back childhood memories, of what I would go shopping with my mom at a mall. We would go into all the stores she wanted to go, and we would past by the food court, or an ice cream shop, or a toy store and I would ask for something, she would just say “when I’m done with my stuff” and as we kept walking she would keep saying it, then at the end of the day we would just go home and I wouldn’t get an ice cream. I might have gotten a piece of 25 cent gum from one of the little machines, just something to shut me up, but I wouldn’t get what I wanted. King, this is what he’s saying they gave him just something to shut him up at Birmingham, when he went there to see change, real change.

•  “More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will”

Wow. Okay this one is true, you use time more efficiently when they are up to no good. When i was younger I thought more about playing a trick on my cousin, I thought about where, how, and at what time would play a prank even what would I do if I got caught. Yet I would be all lazy in doing my homework, or helping my mom clean up the house. Those of ill will plan their mischief more careful than those of good will, because good will comes naturally and ill will takes time to master *wink *wink

• “Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever”

So this one is one that really focuses more on the King and his cause, this says “we will get freedom”, it tells us that the oppressed man is a tired man, a man that will soon be tired of being oppressed.

• “...the question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. Will we be extremists for hate or for love?”

Quote number 4 here asks you a personal question, what kind of extremist are you? What is your real motivation to speak out? Love of hate? You love your cause and hate those who oppose it, but in your heart and mind which one is stronger? You could be fighting for the wrong reasons, and that would be a bad fight. If you got what you wanted, it would be what it will be, but it would have sprung form the wrong reasons.

The question is if King is still King? well yes, he was aiming to better the treatment of his people. Now, there is still a few racist people, but most of all understand that it's wrong and point racism out stand up for "the greater good"

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